Saturday, July 3, 2010

Almost 24 weeks!!

I haven't taken any pics this week but I will soon. We leave a week from this Wednesday to head up north and I promise to post some pics when we get back.

We had another Drs appointment yesterday. We started talking about a birth plan and of course my crazy fears of any type of birth plan. I may work in a hospital and have no problems all sorts of crazy thing. I DO NOT make a good patient. At all. My palms get all sweaty and I have to turn my head away just when I have blood drawn. I'm really trying to invent a way in which I can just have the baby magically appear but have not had any successful ideas. Any suggestions would be appreciated :) Baby's heartbeat sounds good and the doctor says I am measuring well. He does want to send me out for a higher level ultrasound since the first one we had was not great and the doctor says it was hard to get the measurements they needed of the organs. We do that Wednesday. I'm actually kind of excited I keep hearing all these horror stories of how people they are told are having one thing and they end up with the opposite. So I'm glad that we get another ultrasound just to make sure we are having a boy :)


  1. We are flying. We aren't going to be up long as we are trying to save up as much PTO as possible. I miss my short term disability by 3 months so I don't get any paid time off when I have the baby :(
