Well yesterday was Riley's 1 year check up. It didn't go as well as planned. Riley weighs 17 lbs which is what we weighed when he went to urgent care 4 weeks ago. He's 28 1/2 inches long so he's gaining height which is a good thing.
We had a long time with our pediatrician about how Riley isn't feeding himself at all and still refuses to drink anything but his morning bottle. Also, the dr felt that he should be at least trying to pull himself up to stand so she has ordered physical and occupational therapy for him. More specialists :( Mentally he seems to be doing well which is good. I would rather have physical problems than mental ones. He got 4 immunizations yesterday and took it like a champ. I'm so proud of him and he's so strong. He has eye surgery on tuesday wo we will keep everyone updated.
Hey I saw your blog address on facebook. This is Melissa Haggerty we went to high school together! I just wanted to tell you about my son's experiance with both speech and physical therapy. My son Alex was also "behind" He didn't sit up by himself until almost 10 months old and didn't walk until almost 1 1/2 yrs he didn't speak or really do anything and they thought he might be autistic etc. So he got hooked up with a therapist and the change was amazing! He was walking and talking within 6 months! I say the therapy really works and to go for it! I hope everything works out! I am so glad to see you and Tony doing great! Your son is a little angel he is super cute!