Saturday, February 13, 2010

Something Fun For A Change

Hey everyone-

Yes I know its been forever since I posted something. I just got done working 8 days in a row (which will never happen again). Instead of posting another depressing blog about how down and angry I feel I thought I would do something different. I thought it would be fun to list some of my newer favorites for books and movies (in no particular order).

1. Zombieland
-this movie is freaking hilarious. I love zombie movies! Woody Harrelson is quite funny.
2. Hangover
-From the moment I turned this movie on I could not stop laughing.
3. Angels and Demons
-I loved the book and I thought the movie followed it pretty well. I wish they could have expanded more on the antimatter but oh well.
4. Time Travelers Wife
-its a sappy romantic movie but I loved the book. Plus, I think Rachael McAdams has come along ways since Mean Girls (which is also a fantastic movie).

1. Time Travelers Wife-
It was a little confusing to me since it jumps back and forth in time but it was well written
2. The Lost Symbol-
I think Dan Brown is a fantastic writer. His books are well written and always have an element of surprise to them. I am almost done with it
3. The Traveler
(thanks Adria)This book was different but very entertaining. I thought it had a 1983 feel to it but I liked it way better.

In other news:
My second round of clomid and progesterone are finished. I am in limbo waiting to see if I am pregnant or not. I could not come in day 21 to get my levelvs checked to see if I have ovulated because I was at work and they can't check it after day 21 for some weird reason. I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Good, I am glad to hear you are keeping your head up :) I love you and am thinking of you and Tony often
