Monday, November 15, 2010


We had another orthodontist appointment today. I was kind of relieved as the Riley's taping has not gone well the last few weeks. He has been bleeding off and on and keeps ripping off the tape. His cheeks are also continuing to break out from the tape. Poor guy. We have to do the taping but at the same time he keeps bleeding and breaking out. We can't win either way. The orthodontist told us not to worry that we didn't make much progress from the taping. We were told at our last appointment that the impressions would be taken for the Nam on the next appointment after today but we ended up doing them today. Riley did great. He hardly fussed. I was so proud of him. If anyone has had impressions taken for things like braces, it works pretty much the sae way. It was kind of funny watching the orthodontist try to fit the impression in his mouth but she got it in there and she did it with one try. Riley made a face as the orthodontist says it tastes funny. I wish I would have brought the camera but I forgot. Looks like the Nam will be put in at our appointment next week.

1 comment:

  1. I remember how Rachel would break out when we taped her lip. Not fun.

    Glad you all get a bit of a break from the taping and messing around until he gets his NAM next week!!
