Wednesday, September 29, 2010

San Diego Trip....last vaca before baby and Riley update :)

So Tony and I have been trying to plan a trip to San Diego for months to see his brother and sister-in-law. We finally were able to go this past weekend although we weren't able to see our sister-in-law :(. It was hard trying to coordinate a time for Tony and I to have a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off in a row. I'm so glad we did.

Last Thursday before we left, I had a Drs. appt. I have been having contractions and feeling a lot of pelvic pressure so the dr checked me even though they usually start checking at 36 weeks. I was 1-2 cm dialated and 30 % effaced. I was surprised that I had already started to dialate but thats a good sign. I went again for my start of weekly appointments and I'm a full 2 cm dialated and still 30% effaced. Its exciting to think that I'm starting the process.

Going back to the vacation, we went out for yummy pizza on Friday night and played video games. Saturday, Tony's brother took us to the USS Midway. For those of you who don't know, the USS Midway is an aircraft carrier that was launched right after World War II and recently decomissioned in 1992. I also had no idea how big an aircraft carrier is. I've seen them on tv but nothing compares to seeing one in person. Its like a floating city. We spent 4 hours on that thing and went up and down tons of stairs. I was tired later that night but had a great time. Here are a few pics.

Before getting onto the Midway. You can see 3 other carriers in the background that are currently being used by our Navy

Not a great pic of me but you can see how big I've gotten

Inside the hanger area. Gives you an idea of the size. It also has many compartments below. Yes, I went up and down several of those little tiny stairs.

Later that night, we went out (or I should say the guys) had sushi. I had something that was not sushi :) Ick but Tony really enjoyed it.

Us at the Sushi restaurant.

After Sushi we went to a fancy dessert place for some really yummy cake. The next day, Sunday, we took Enzo to the dog beach along with Tim and his dog Topo. He behaved himself for the most part.

Tony with Enzo and Topo.

I wish our trip wasn't so short but I'm glad we got to go. We had such a blast!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

33 1/2 weeks

I was laying in bed Monday night in disbelief to how close Riley's birth really is. I'm absolutely miserable and hate being pregnant (minus when he moves...that part is amazing). I can't breathe, can't sleep, I'm hormornal (thought that went away after the first few months but its back), and can never get comfortable. I wish I could see my toes and move around in bed without something hurting and bend over. I can bend over but it takes a lot of effort and can't breathe. Tony was awesome and trimmed and painted my toenails which was a miracle. Tony works as an ER nurse so he's exposed to a lot of gross stuff. He can handle being pooped, peed on, and doesn't mind blood but he HATES feet. Feet are his downfall. He doesn't' even like my feet which are small and I like to think are cute. That's true love right there. And I think I've started the nesting phase. I have the strongest urge to scrub our grout. If you've seen my house or pictures of it there is A LOT of tile and would take forever and a day. But I keep staring at the grout thinking that it needs to be cleaned. I haven't actually done it yet but I know its going to bother me until I do something. I am splurging and having a maid service come in to clean right before Riley is born. Its nice because in Arizona you can find great deals on housecleaners and they clean everything.

My department at work threw me a very nice baby shower. I felt so spoiled by everything Riley got (including our stroller/carseat travel system). I keep telling Riley that hes already spoiled and not even born yet. A friend of mine is throwing me a baby shower on Oct 5th so friends and family can come. Its so nice to feel all the support and love we have received over the last few months with Riley. We are so excited and so blessed to all of our friends and family.

Tony and I headed over to see his older brother in San Diego in 2 weeks and we are very excited. I realized this will be our last vacation until Riley is born and weird to think whenever we travel, we will have another person with us. I'm looking forward to our trip and will definitely take some pics. I know I haven't taken any belly pics in a while but I'll try and get some on here soon.

I had my 2 week check up today. Nothing new to report. Riley sounded good and I am healthy as a horse. I was a little concerned because I actually lost a 1/2 pound....and no I did not do this on purpose. In fact, I'm' feeding Riley quite well. This kid is going to come out speaking Spanish with has much mexican food I have been eating. And I'm having a thing with stouffers mac and cheese. My Dr. assured me that this is nothing to be alarmed about so I'm' not going to worry for now.