Monday, September 19, 2011

Plastic Surgeon Woes Over....Now Time For Surgery!

So after I don't know how many months of waiting for our plastic surgeon to take our insurance again, we finally were able to meet with him again to start thinking about his palate surgery. He says he is happy with the lip but will want to do another repair as Riley still has a small "split" in his lip. I think he looks great but I probably should listen to the surgeon. He informed us that Riley also has a deviated septum....I guess this is not uncommon for cleft palate babies but he will fix that when he gets bigger. The surgeon says he is ready to operate next month to repair Riley's palate. He also suggested to move Riley to a sippy cup....I'm in a bit of a panic now because we cannot get Riley to drink anything BUT formula and that is it. He won't even drink water. Yes we can put formula in a sippy cup and have him start trying to drink out of that. We also have another problem....he doesn't feed himself at all. Not even with his bottle which is hard because we have to squeeze the top so he can get the milk out. I have no idea what to do so if anyone has any suggestions let me know. I have the gentle reminder that in 2 weeks my son will be turing 1 and it is time to start weaning him We will be meeting with our pediatrician in a few weeks to discuss these issues as well but he's definitely behind. So, his office will start getting the insurance auth and then we will schedule.
As for me, I have a dr.s appointment this Wednesday for my gallbladder....if that's what it is. I suggested gallbladder cancer to my husband (yes I'm that crazy person who thinks every ache and pain is something terrible) and his response was uncontrollable laughter saying that gallbladder cancer doesn't exist....I'm just saying. HOnestly I probably just have some gallstones or something so hopefully I'll get to the bottom of this. Still have pain but nothing compared to what I felt while I was on vacation. Fingers crossed!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Vacation Gone Bad

Well, we are home. We had to cut our vacation 3 days short. All I can say is I think there is a dark cloud following us. No matter where we are, it seems bad things keep happening. It all started last Sunday. We had pizza for dinner and for 12 hours after I became very sick. It started out as mild upper back pain on the right hand side....where my gallbladder would be but in the back. I figured it was just back pain from sleeping on an uncomfortable bed. The pain felt deeper than my back since when Tony rubbed it I couldn't feel relief. It was mild pain and went away shortly after I felt it which was in the morning. Then around lunch time, it started to hurt again but worse than the first time. I went and sat on the couch, took a 600 mg advil, and then felt better. Feeling great, Tony, Tony's baby brother Matthew, his fiancee Sara, Riley, and I all headed to a driving range and picked up Papa Murphy's on the way home. I was in the middle of dinner when I felt the "back pain" again. I took another advil hoping it would go away but to my horror, it turned into severe pain. I've never felt pain like this in my life. Then started the vomiting....and not just a little. Everything I ate for dinner plus when my stomach was emtpy I threw up. It was horrible. I was literally up with this pain all night long. I couldn't get any relief no matter what I did. I took 6 total of those Advil but could not hold anything down. Then around 6 in the morning, the pain immediately went from my "back" to my upper stomach. It hurt so bad that I almost went to the hospital which was not a good thing for 2 reasons: the first being the closest hospital is not a great place to go and 2nd is because our insurance is out of network up there costing X3 as much to be seen in the er. As I was getting ready to make Tony drive me, the pain stopped and I felt better. My stomach was sore and I was exhausted but not in the pain that I was in thankfully. My called my dad who had a dr friend staying with him. I explained my symptoms and is pretty sure what I had was a gallbladder attack. Not good. I rested a lot the next day. We had a good day after that but Riley was continiously getting more and more fussy not to mention just stress going on in the family which I won't mention to protect privacy. Before we know it, we are packing our bags because we figured out that Riley has an ear infection. He was running fevers on Thursday and Friday. We gave him some tylenol and motrin to help with the pain and fever but it was no use. We called our pediatrician knowing exactly what was wrong with him. Pulling at the ear, pain to the touch, fever, does not take genious to figure out what was wrong. Plus, Tony being an RN we knew what was happening. We called our pediatrician and found out that due to being out of state, our pediatrician will not write for anything....not even an antibiotic because she has to see him. We were furious. Thus we packed our bags and ended up taking him to an urgent care on Friday morning when we left. Holy Cow! An ear infection......big flipping surprise. We got our antibiotic and asked for tylenol with codeine to help with the pain. We got home last night. Riley is starting to feel a little bit better but still is not feeling well and we have found a tooth trying to break through. Nice last half of vacation :(

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shopping, Relaxing, More Driving, and Family Time!

The above title pretty much sums up what has been going on the last few days. There hasn't been too much to report and I really didn't want to post a blog to say I just went shopping. Like you guys care. All I can say is that Riley has so many clothes. He went from a half suitcase full of stuff to overflowing. Carters was having a 50% off the whole entire store plus my mom got a 10% discount because it was grandma's day. Of course we had to take advantage of that.

The next day was awesome fishing. It was one bite after another and caught lots of fish. We also went and caught some fresh blackberries, a whole gallon which were made in into pie yesterday. It got cold and rainy so spent most of the evening inside keeping the little one warm. It was a great last night.

Friday was spent driving to Spokane/North Idaho. Tony's dad had surgery on his shoulder so he is all slinged up and couldn't hold his grandson but was excited to see him anyways. We spent the night relaxing which was well needed.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Sunny and warm once the afternoon hit. For those of you who aren't familiar with the whether up here, it gets very cold at night so the mornings are quite chilly most of the time. You dress in layers here. That's why our suitcase looks like we will be gone for 3 months not 3 weeks. We had a big breakfast of biscuit and gravy and home made hashbrowns. Yummy. Riley got to meet his 2 uncles and his future aunt Sara. It was nice for everyone to see Riley. We BBQ some giant steaks and Tony made his first pie, pie crust and everything. 1 apple and 1 blackberry. Yum Yum Yum!!!