Monday, February 21, 2011

Home safe and sound!

Before and after surgery....please find my facebook link if you would like to see more pics.
Tony and I woke up at 3:30 this am to take Riley for his surgery today. I worked last night until 10 pm and it was a 12 hour day. I was exhausted when I got home and then didn't sleep to today was a rough day in many ways. I can honestly say I'm dead tired. I don't even know how I am still awake.
We got to the hospital a little before 5 am and got registered. We then went upstairs and waited to go back to the presurgical area where they take vitals and the surgeons come and meet with the pt. We had a very nice anasthesiologist and was very calming to talk to. I must admit I was a bundle of nerves and had already cried before even getting to the hospital. Then finally it was time to say goodbye. It was hard to believe that my baby would be coming back to me in a few hours as a whole new baby. Of course seeing him taken back to surgery was hard and I cried of course. I tear up just thinking about all those mixed emotions....then throwing being exhausted on top of that was too much.
Tony convinced me to go out to breakfast at Cracker Barrel which was about 5 miles away from the hospital. He reassured me everything was going to be okay and that there was nothing we could do if something went wrong anyways. He had a point and honestly sitting there would have been harder I think. So, I hesitatly obliged and enjoyed a nice french toast breakfast and hot tea as it was actually very chilly this morning. We looked around the store part for a while and then headed back to the hospital where we waited around for maybe another hour at the most. Both surgeons said he did fantastic and had tolerated both procedures very well. It was such a relief. We had to wait about 15 min. before we could go back to see him. Strangely, I didn't cry. I was just so relieved that he was done and safe and sound.
We had to hang out in the PACU for about 2 hours to make sure he recovered okay post anasthesia which he did and then they let us come home which was a relief. So we are home safe and sound. I will try and update with pics frequently. I wish I could make this longer but I really need to go rest. Thank you for all your support and prayers. It is very much appreciated.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Surgery is scheduled

The time has come. Riley's lip and hypospadius repair is this Monday at 7 am. We have to be at the hospital by 5 am to get all the presurgical stuff out of the way. Riley is having his operation at a hospital called Carden's which is an hour away from our house which means we need to be out the door at 4 am. I work the night before in the er so I won't get home until 10:30. I'm going to be very tired but I don't think I'm going to be able sleep much anyways.
I have a lot of mixed emotions. I'm very excited because I want to get it over with and I want him to have his lip fixed. I'm scared and anxious because I don't want anything to happen to him. I know that this operation is safer than driving home from work but there's always that risk. I love my little guy and will think he is beautiful no matter what but I'm so used to seeing him the way he looks now.

I will try and post pictures as soon as soon as I can. I plan on taking a few and posting them so family and friends can see. I will also try to keep everyone updated if I have access to internet. Please keep my little man in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

4 month well check up

Riley had his four month well check up. Things went well. The pediatrician is great with him and says that while he is on the small size, he is developing very well. I guess his head circumference is only in the 10th percentile but she says she is not worred as he is developing the way he is supposed to. I'm relieved to hear this as we are nervous for developmental issues. He got 4 immunizations--3 shots and 1 oral. He did well and was pretty tired the rest of the day. He weighs 12 lbs 7 1/2 oz and is just over 23 inches long. I decided I should call and see where the plastic surgeon and urologist is with getting our auth. The urologist rep is out of town on a family emergency of course and the plastic surgeon rep said she had no record that we met with the surgeon last week. I told her she needed to talk with the surgeon. So frustrating. I just want to get this over with!

And thanks for your support Darcy. It's nice to have a contact of someone who has been through this!

Friday, February 4, 2011

4 months old and ready for surgery

Well kids-the time has come. Tuesday we were informed by the plastic surgeon that Riley is ready for surgery. Tuesday we had our appointment with the plastic surgeon, orthodontist, and the urologist. It was a very busy day.

Our plastic surgeon met with us at Barros which is also where the orthodontist is. We met with the plastic surgeon first. He explained briefly what the surgery will be like. He informed us that it usually is a same day surgery but we will be approved to stay overnight. It will all depend on how well Riley feeds and his pain control. We figured with his hypospadius surgery as well he will probably stay overnight. We also found out that we will be operating out of Carden's which is all the way in Mesa but that's okay. It's a new hospital and that is where the plastic surgeon has his "special" equipment that he needs. The orthodontist met with us and just congratulated us about the upcoming surgery. As we were leaving the nurse practitioner walked in to introduce herself. Tony thought she was okay but she irritated me. She basically said that this isn't my fault and that I need to take folic acid next time I get pregnant. I kindly explained to her that I was taking folic acid way before we even bot pregnant because we had been trying for so long. She also said that Tony and I should get genetic cancelling and Riley will need genetic counselling when he gets older. She also informed us we needed to meet with an ENT because most cleft lip and palate babies need to have tubes placed in their ears due to the increased risk of ear infections. I kindly explained that my husband and I are both in the medical field and that I felt we had all this needed information. They wanted us to meet with the social worker as well but I explained that I was a medical social worker and that I felt we did not need one at this time. Riley was weighed and measured and he is 12lbs and 23 in. long! He's doing awesome.

We drove back to Surprise to have lunch, were home long enough to feed him, and then drove about 1/2 hour to get to the urologist appointment. From his standpoint, Riley is also ready for surgery. Basically Tony and I are waiting for insurance approval on both procedures and then the urologist and plastic surgeon will coordinate the date. We are hoping within the next 2 weeks!!